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Welcome again to my site.




I started breeding in recent times, my first breeding cat I took in 2018 but I have been working with cats since 2014, often stalling street kittens and finding excellent families, so I had a good experience on feline's ethology and biology .



I did and will continue to do, economy permitting, volunteering in Africa with big and small wild cats, it is a beautiful experience, which teaches you a lot and which I strongly recommend to do. It completely changed the perspective of things, my anthropomorphic view of animals and the idea I had of animals in captivity.


My real life goal is to open my own recovery center / wildlife park / conservation center / bio park.


(months of observation to understand why that particular flare likes more than another). My ideal bengal is never aggressive, it is not scary, it loves to be in company, to be touched the belly and it makes crazy runs around the house involving the other cats in its games. The presence of cats is not their presence that makes the house more welcoming that I like, but their being real weird beings, capable of making you laugh at any time of the day with some bizarre unique behavior from cat to cat, flares are particularly

clumsy, the only ones who don't always fall on their feet and do damage after another.


My unpopular opinion is that the Bengal should not be selected just to resemble the small Asian leopard, according to personal tastes it can be selected to deviate as much as possible from a domestic cat and to approach any small wild feline, if with small rosettes to an alc, if with rosettes in the average to an ocelot, if with huge rosettes to a clouded leopard.

The important thing is to select remembering that health is more important than aesthetic beauty and do the job with full knowledge of the facts. I don't do rehoming for an ethical question and because keeping your reproducers for longer allows you to have a 360 ° view on the health and defects of your line. After all these generations you have all kinds of information, you can be sure that you have excluded HCM-carrying cats, that you do not have puppies with FLAT CHEST, you know any allergies, immune systems or weaknesses (e.g. intestinal) of your line. You know perfectly the character and behaviors of your cats, behaviors that maybe hide a malaise and that you are able to recognize instantly. Know your cats and know their instincts and their qualities as mothers, their ability to manage childbirth and to grow happy and sociable puppies. You can also understand which recessive genes from ALC your line carries, for example night eyes, head shape or white belly. I will certainly take longer to achieve my goals but by keeping track of the genetics of my cats for a long time I can make responsible decisions based on experience and knowledge.

Personally I want to get healthy and incredible puppies with the color of the snow leopard, a head opposite to that of a domestic cat and round rosettes without stripes and possibly reaching the ends, perfectly contrasted on a snow with cold colors ( silver).



My puppies are fed fresh meat and high wet food

grain-free quality. Dry food swells in the stomach, irritates

the intestine and thickens the urine bringing in the medium to long term various

health problems including cystitis, kidney infections and gastroenteritis.

The BARF diet is the best and most natural and healthy alternative

in the absence of time or patience you can go in search of

a quality wet food without cereals.


Garanzie e cessione cuccioli:

Non mancano mai le visite dal veterinario per ogni tipo di accertamento, i miei cuccioli vengono ceduti sterilizzati con i test dei genitori, che includono i test del DNA per Pkdef e Prab (malattie presenti fino al 15% nella razza),  ecocardio biennale ed eco-renale, con contratto di vendita, con certificato di buona salute, vaccini, microchip, pedigree, test negativo feci, un mese di copertura anti-parassitaria e un set giochi di alta qualità; oltre al supporto per tutta la vita.



Perchè i prezzi dei cuccioli sono relativamente alti e non trattabili?


Il prezzo riflette qualità e garanzie, e c'è una ragione per cui io non ho bisogno di trattare i prezzi dei miei cuccioli, la ragione è che la tipologia di persona a cui mi rivolgo sono persone in grado di capire il vantaggio dietro le garanzie che offro e l'impegno che ci metto dietro ogni cucciolo, e che non si fermano solo alla superfice, quale il prezzo. Frequento le mostre feline con ottimi risultati, ogni gatto che ho portato ha conseguito il titolo di CHAMPION in un solo weekend, ogni cucciolata che faccio nascere la faccio nascere sempre con uno scopo selettivo, infatti è molto probabile che avrò uno o più keeper nella cucciolata, gattini che tengo per il mio programma di riproduzione, per migliorare sempre di più la mia linea.

Oltretutto ritengo sia una mancanza di rispetto trattare il prezzo, significa ignorare completamente le qualità ed il valore del cucciolo. Quando trovate qualcuno così disperato da esser disposto a negoziare il prezzo non state facendo alcun affare oltre a perderci in prestigio, spesso i soldi risparmiati li spenderai nell'immediato futuro in spese veterinarie, perchè chi vende a prezzi fuori dal mercato ha certamente tagliato i fondi per un mantenimento dignitoso dei gatti e soprattutto ha tagliato i costi del veterinario, non potendo quindi dare gattini in salute.

Life quality:

Some of my cats live between the house and the garden completely in safety, while others have a fence of 135 square meters with insulated wooden house suitable for all their needs, I do not miss scratching posts, hammocks and games of all kinds. I am always present in their life, they have no moments when they get bored and above all, never failing, I can guarantee an excellent socialization that gives my puppies a loving character capable of stealing everyone's hearts.



I participate not assiduously in exhibitions with excellent results that you find in the biography of each cat.


Guarantees and transfer of kittens:

There is never a shortage of visits to the vet and ultrasounds to remove any doubts, my puppies are sold sterilized with parental tests, which include Pkdef, Prab and HCM, with a sales contract, with a certificate of good health, vaccines, microchips, pedigree, negative stool test and a very comfortable handmade hammock that every cat deserves.

If I agreed to sell a breeding puppy, the puppy's pkdef and prab test would be included, plus the color test.


I attach my contract, please read it and contact me only if able to respect it.


I hope I haven't bored you and you found interesting the reading , I hope you too can appreciate my results as much as I do.



In order:

  • Photo album of the cattery.

  • Album of documents and results of feline exhibitions

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